System Update
Published: 09/07/2021
- Admin can adjust the loan request amount on the Loan page
- Brand's specified Notification Center is now available
- Fuzzy Search is available on the Payment and Carrier Setup page
- Improve the user experience in the system
- Modify the setting of the GFP service
- Nick Name can be modified on the Contract Number tab
- Optimized the scheduled tasks setting on the Statement page
- Optimized the Shipment Details page
- Reference can be modified on the Shipment Details page
- Shipments are available to refund when the service is disabled
- Supports using the tracking number to search on the Transaction page
- Supports export filtered or searched shipping charges on the Shipping Charges page
- Warehouse Address added External Warehouse Setup tab
- Warehouse Binding is now available on the My Contract page
- Fuzzy Search is available when setting up the Bundle Products
- Modified the batch upload template
- Added Refresh Rule button on the Order Routing page
- Added new rules on the Order Routing page
- Added new rules on the Workflow page
- Added New Filter Options
- Allow different status tabs to have different default category bars
- Supports Automate Rate Shopping on Ready Create page
- Supports Batch Create and Print Labels
- Zone Information is available after created the labels
- Synchronized the status between Order and Shipment
- Optimized the default filters setting
Error and Bugs:
- Fixed the incorrect value when export by using the batch upload
- Fixed the refund countdown error on the Refund Shipment page
- Fixed the setting error on the Notification Center
- Fixed the major and minor bugs in the system
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